
eRag bike rental - PACKING LIST

You will on your motorcycle between 6-8 hours per day, many days in a row. Is your body ready for this? It is best to start preparing so you can make the most of your time riding. Being in good physical condition is the best way to make the most of your trip. Use this trip as motivation to get fit!

Dual sport rides may include everything from single track to 100KPH (60MPH) on a paved road during a transit section. Our rides are often unscripted and we do what is necessary to move forward. Rarely is anything perfect so please prepare with this in mind.

The beauty of our trips is that we won’t be carrying our personal gear on our bikes. We will have a support truck and trailer that we will meet every evening. We ride unencumbered!


Safety is our number one concern.

You will be riding in potentially difficult and unpredictable terrain every day. Having the correct attitude and the proper safety gear will mitigate risk. You must, at all times when on your motorcycle, be wearing proper and complete safety gear.

It is your responsibility to make sure your gear is in good condition and is the proper fit. It is unwise to take untested gear on a trip of this magnitude. Ride with your gear several times before coming on the trip to ensure it fits correctly and is comfortable. There are few things worse than ill fitting or uncomfortable gear.


  • Sleeping Bag & Towel (we sleep in a lot of strange places)

  • Camp shoes (shoes you would wear in a rustic forest camp)

  • Shower shoes (flip flops or similar)

  • Base layers 3 pairs (create a hand-wash/hang-dry rotation)

  • MX socks 3 pairs (create a hand-wash/hang-dry rotation)

  • Enduro/Dual Sport jacket (zip off sleeves are always more flexible)

  • Wearable garbage bag (this is your emergency rain gear should things get hairy)

  • Medium to large sized hydration pack/backpack (enough room for your jacket & lunch/snacks)

  • Small personal first aid kit

  • Toilet paper/wet wipes (for backpack)

  • Money, both Canadian currency and plastic.

  • Sunscreen/Bug Spray

  • Phone (there are Giant Loop handlebar bags on every bike)

  • Hearing protection/ear plugs (for snoring & bike noise)

  • the below video has nothing to do with packing but we think Fady the Dog is hilarious so enjoy…


It is imperative that you ride with this gear before coming on the trip.

It is your responsibility to make sure it is in good working order. If you have gear failure, please let us know as we can assist in you getting replacement gear.

  • Motocross boots

  • Properly fitting knee braces or knee guards

  • MX/Enduro/or DS riding pants and jackets

  • Gloves (2 pair, expect rain)

  • MX helmet with visor OR DS Helmet

  • MX Goggles (we like goggles when facing dust)

  • MX/Enduro style upper body armour - this is personal preference. It could be a under-jersey pressure suit, above-jersey hard armor or a DS jacket with armor.

These things are suggestions. If you know what keeps you comfortable and safe please choose these things. In our opinion, MX boots and a good helmet are mandatory.

If you have any questions regarding personal or protective gear, please email us at: adventure@tractionerag.com