Hi Everyone,
We are gearing up for a day of two-wheeled fun!
To help ensure a smooth day please find general information regarding the clinic.
Registration begins at 8:30 AM SHARP! The clinic begins at 9AM. Please plan to allow for time to register, unload and get yourself acquainted with the group you will be riding with for the day. Clinics will run until roughly 3:30PM.
The clinic is located 20 minutes northeast of Kamloops, BC.
BE AWARE THERE IS NO CELL SERVICE ONCE YOU PASS THE ESSO GAS STATION AND BEGIN THE CLIMB UP PAUL LAKE ROAD (make sure you have your directions sorted before you leave cell service).
We have spray painted orange arrows on the trees! The turnoff to the parking area is HERE. You will turn left onto the gravel road.
As you travel up the gravel road, the turnoff for the clinic parking lot is HERE. Look for the orange spray painted arrows posted on the gravel road to help direct you. It is 4.2 kilometer from the turnoff. The parking lot is off the main road on a gravel road, please watch for large potholes; some of the sections of the road are a bit bumpy but the road is certainly passable for 2WD vehicles.
Unserviced camping is available at the meet point as it is located on crown land. Please be aware that there has been increased pressure on crown camping sites so there may be non-motorcycle people camping there already. That said, there are plenty of “sites” close by. Pick one and enjoy.
Keep an eye on the weather and dress accordingly. This is mountain weather and changes quickly and unpredictably. The training site is at 3500’ and the weather is usually 5-7 degrees cooler than the Kamloops forecast. If it is wet you're going to want a light shell jacket and some extra clothes to change into. We teach and ride in ALL weather.
We do not allow spectators at the clinic, no exceptions. Parents, spouses, GF/BF and friends, no matter how well-intentioned, create unnecessary distractions for all participants. Thank you for your understanding.
Please bring a bagged lunch (and a backpack to carry it). We are going to have lunch at the training area which is located a few kilometers from the meet point.
Your Bike
Protective Gear (Helmet, boots, gloves, goggles, jersey and pants, etc)
Layers & Rain Jacket (in case of weather changes)
Sunscreen & Bug Spray
Water (hydration pack recommended)
Backpack large enough for transporting, lunch, water and tools.
Extra Snacks
If you have any questions please email us. Thank you!
We are excited to have built some places to stay right on the eRag ranch! Please note, each night you wish to stay is a separate “product” you must put in your cart before checkout.
Price is per person. Big discount for clinic participants!