Volunteer for the summer of your life helping the ragtag Traction eRag crew run adventure packed dirt bike clinics and tours!
Live in Tornado Alley, shoulder-to-shoulder with the charismatic and aromatic eRag staff. Have an unforgettable time doing dumb stuff with intelligent people.
We don’t care if you’re 18 or 82, and we don’t give a damn what dangles between your legs.
All we’re looking for is a solid work ethic and a good attitude under pressure. Skills can be taught over a few weeks, character can’t.
The future. At least three weeks of your time, preferably longer. You’ll be helping with whatever needs doing. There will be riding opportunities.
British Columbia, Canada.
We are recruiting volunteers for two types of position:
Every odd-job imaginable needed to accommodate eating, drinking, shitting, dirt-riding human beings and their motorcycles.
All the tedious #hashtagging, live-posting, SD card uploading, video/audio/photo media management possible. You’ll be prepared to #birth_calves too, right?
Because it’s the closest you’ll get to running away with the circus!